Your monthly newsletter, written for humans not geeks!

Who doesn’t love the convenience of workplace collaboration tools and messaging apps like Slack, Teams, and Zoom? We can chat with colleagues, share files, hold meetings, and even discuss sensitive topics without leaving our comfy home offices.

But, you see, whilst these platforms have become a blessing for productivity, they’ve also opened a Pandora’s box of cyber security risks.

In this month’s newsletter, we delve into how to stay safe while using these collaboration tools.  We also take a look at AI and all the hype surrounding it. How can you navigate through the noise and truly harness the power of AI to meet your business’s big goals?

Enjoy the read, and remember, we’re always here to dive into deeper discussions about these subjects – just give us a call to schedule a convenient time to chat.

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Just give us a call  ‣  031 818 9060