If you’re passionate about boosting your team’s productivity to the max (and let’s face it, who isn’t?), then Microsoft Teams’ recent enhancements with Copilot are about to make your day.

Picture this: you’re in the midst of a Teams meeting, brainstorming away like there’s no tomorrow. Ideas are flowing like a river, and even the fastest note-taker among you couldn’t keep up.

But fear not, Copilot has your back. It can transcribe your discussions, comprehend live chats, and distill the most valuable insights for you.

And that’s not all. Ever wished you could take back a message in the chat and rephrase it? Copilot has you covered there too. It can even suggest a fresh message on the spot, saving you both time and mental energy.

For Teams Premium subscribers, Copilot’s call recap feature offers invaluable assistance with regular phone calls, providing convenient summaries. It’s like having your own personal assistant (although you’re still on coffee duty).

Microsoft has also made IntelliFrame the default setting for video calls. What does that mean? It utilizes AI to ensure that each participant’s video feed is recognized, granting everyone their moment in the spotlight during Teams Rooms calls. No more awkwardly cropped faces or disappearing attendees.

With smoother collaboration, more insightful meetings, and video calls worthy of a Hollywood production, who wouldn’t want to maximise their Teams experience?

How can we help you?

Just give us a call  ‣  031 818 9060