How are cyber criminals trying to hack your accounts while you sleep?
There’s a cyber-attack that targets you while you sleep. It sends dozens of notifications to your phone in the hope you hit YES and let criminals into your account. Here’s how to stay safe.
Back up your data: it could save your business
Backing up your data is one of the strongest precautions you can take. Set it up properly and make it part of your routine to check that it’s working. Because one day your backup could save your business.
The final curtain call for Windows 10: What you need to know
Microsoft has announced that the current version of Windows 10, released in 2022, will be its final release. If you’re currently using Windows 10, you might wonder what this means for your day-to-day operations.
Technology Insider: May Edition
In this edition we delve into an intriguing trend sweeping the developing world—the 4-day week. Some organisations have already given it a shot, and the results have been surprisingly positive.
Windows 11 optional update: Why it’s better to wait
Did you know you could be amongst the first to try new Windows 11 features? Before you’re tempted to opt-in to this new update, stop and think twice! Here’s why.
Is switching to the cloud better for the environment?
Cloud computing has quickly become a popular option for businesses that want to streamline their operations, reduce costs, and become more flexible. But are you swayed by the idea that cloud services are automatically better for the environment?
Charging in public places? Watch out for “juice jacking”
Airports, hotels, cafés, even shopping centres, offer public charging points where you can boost your phone or laptop battery on the go. But a compromised charging port could allow criminals to install malware onto your device, giving them access to your credentials and other data.
How to start planning a big IT project
A major change to your IT infrastructure isn’t something to be planned in a hurry. So if you’re starting to think about ending it with your current systems and bringing your business into the 2020s, there’s plenty to think about before you commit to another long-term relationship.
LinkedIn takes action to tackle fake accounts
You might have noticed a sharp rise in the number of fake profiles and connection requests on LinkedIn lately. To stamp this out, LinkedIn is introducing new verification features.
Microsoft hints at some exciting Windows 12 developments
Windows 11 still feels like a new member of the family, but Microsoft’s operating system will soon be turning 12. Our sources have some interesting news about Windows 12 and we wanted to share the exciting news with you first.