Bot malware is a growing security threat
Bot malware is even more damaging than regular malware because it has the potential to steal your entire digital identity. This type of threat needs your attention – it can cause major problems for business owners who aren’t protected.
Don’t forget your phone when you think about cyber security
Our phones are a goldmine of private information. And if your team also use phones for work, they’ll often have access straight into company systems – email, contact lists, network access, file systems. So if they’re not kept as secure as any other device in your workplace, they can become a gaping hole in your cyber security.
Your complete guide to Phishing: PDF & Video
In our experience, many people don’t know how phishing works. But the key to keeping your business protected from attacks is to know exactly how they work and the red flags to look out for.
Phishing: don’t be put under pressure to take urgent action
A massive 83% of organisations said they suffered successful attacks last year. And with just under a third of phishing emails being opened, the chances that someone in your business will be fooled are high.