With Windows 10 support ending in just over a year, many business owners are starting to wonder why they haven’t upgraded to Windows 11 yet. Are you among them?

Recent research reveals that while most businesses are in a position to switch, a surprising number haven’t made the leap. This is despite the upgrade being free and straightforward.

A survey of over 750,000 Windows 10 systems found that 88% are running on hardware compatible with Windows 11. Yet, 82% of businesses are still holding back.

This is a concerning trend, especially with the October 2025 deadline fast approaching. After this date, Windows 10 will no longer receive free updates, including critical security patches. Staying on an unsupported system could leave your business vulnerable.

So, what’s stopping you? For many, it’s the fear of disruption. Upgrading your business’s operating system might seem daunting, with concerns about downtime or technical challenges.

However, upgrading to Windows 11 can be smoother than you think, especially with expert guidance (contact us for support with this process).

And it’s not just about avoiding risks—Windows 11 offers a range of benefits:

  • Enhanced security to protect your business from modern threats
  • Better performance to boost your team’s productivity
  • A sleek, user-friendly interface that makes everyday tasks easier

Plus, if you’re using newer hardware, Windows 11 will help you maximise its potential.

The upgrade is free for devices that meet the requirements, so there’s no reason to delay.

We specialise in making upgrades seamless. Get in touch, and we’ll walk you through our thorough preparation, scheduling, and training process, ensuring a smooth transition with minimal impact on your operations.

How can we help you?

Just give us a call  ‣  031 818 9060