A staggering third of small and medium-sized business leaders confess: they don’t trust their staff with sensitive data!

Could it be because someone like Phil from accounting still relies on a Post-it note under their keyboard for his password? Or maybe it’s due to past experiences that have left them cautious?

Either way, it’s clear that trust alone isn’t sufficient when it comes to data security.

We believe the issue isn’t the employees themselves; it’s the absence of comprehensive training and robust security measures. So, what’s the solution?

Conducting training sessions for all staff is a straightforward first step. This equips employees with essential tools, techniques, and best practices to identify potential threats and take necessary actions.

Consider this: a well-trained team poses a significantly reduced risk to your company’s digital network security. They become your primary defence, contributing to safeguarding your company’s security and decreasing the chances of a breach.

Then there’s your security protocols: many companies admit they don’t have sufficient technology or checks to protect confidential information.

This is where we step in. We can help set up your company’s systems to limit access exclusively to authorised personnel.

Beyond that, we also ensure your company has robust policies regarding information sharing, data access, and guidelines for departing employees. By doing so, we assist in creating a more secure work environment for all.

The truth is, relying solely on trust falls short in data security. But with appropriate training and security measures, you can convert your employees from potential risks into invaluable assets.

How can we help you?

Just give us a call  ‣  031 818 9060