Imagine an AI-enhanced solution that simplifies your business communications and elevates productivity to unparalleled levels.

It might sound like something out of a sci-fi movie, but Microsoft’s latest announcement brings this future closer to reality.

Microsoft Teams is unveiling an ‘AI library’ that is set to transform our Teams experience. The primary objective? Empower developers to seamlessly incorporate Large Language Models (LLMs) into their Teams applications, with ChatGPT being a standout example.

You might be wondering how this benefits your business. In essence, it means having a sophisticated AI readily available during your Teams meetings. The AI library, currently rolling out, equips developers with a suite of code functionalities, simplifying the integration of LLMs into their applications. This makes creating Bots, Message Extensions, and Adaptive Cards for more engaging conversational experiences a breeze.

Microsoft assures us that this AI library will also facilitate the smooth transition of existing Bots, Message Extensions, and Adaptive Cards functionalities into Teams. It’s worth noting that this is the same company that introduced the Copilot tool in March 2023, bringing GPT-4 integration to Microsoft 365. This tool can compose emails, compile reports, and, in Microsoft’s grand words, “rediscover the soul of work.” Who would have thought AI could be so poetic?

Let’s not overlook the recent tool that utilizes AI to generate meeting notes, suggest follow-up actions, and offer timeline markers for instant access to pertinent parts of a call.

Microsoft Teams is committed to reshaping our AI experience. It’s not merely about making our lives more convenient; it’s about unlocking fresh possibilities for productivity and efficiency. We’re eagerly anticipating the innovations the new AI library will bring.

If you’re looking to maximise the benefits of Teams for your business, give us a shout.

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