How confident are you in your password’s security? Do you believe that longer passwords are always stronger? Well, perhaps it’s time to have a serious discussion about password security.

Recent research has uncovered a rather unsettling truth – even 15-character passwords can be vulnerable to compromise. That’s right; it’s time to confront a harsh reality – longer doesn’t necessarily mean stronger.

Interestingly, the eight-character password stands as the most commonly compromised length. But, surprisingly, 15-character passwords also find their way into the top ten most compromised list.

You may be wondering, “How can this be?” The answer lies not only in the length of the password but also in its content and whether you reuse the same password across multiple platforms.

Remarkably, the most commonly compromised eight-character password is none other than “password” itself, while the 15-character counterpart, “Sym_newhireOEIE,” also falls prey to compromise.

Certainly doesn’t inspire confidence, does it?

And it’s not just about individuals; businesses like yours are at significant risk as well. A staggering 86% of cyberattacks originate from stolen credentials, which translates to nearly nine out of every ten attacks. Can you afford to take this lightly?

Admittedly, longer passwords do offer increased resistance to brute force attacks. An eight-character password can be cracked in as little as five minutes, whereas a robust 15-character password, if devoid of any discernible patterns, could take up to 37 million years to crack. Impressive, no doubt.

However, it’s crucial to remember that this is just one piece of the puzzle. Length alone won’t shield you from stolen credentials through phishing attacks.

To enhance your security, consider using a robust business password manager. Not only will it generate random, lengthy passwords for you, but it will also securely store and auto-fill them when needed.

Additionally, implementing two-factor authentication is highly recommended. This process involves generating a unique code on a separate device to confirm your identity. Even if cybercriminals manage to crack your password, they still won’t gain access to your sensitive data.

If you’re seeking assistance in bolstering your business’s security, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

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