It’s always exciting for business owners when their trusted productivity tools announce new updates! Google has rolled out an improvement to their renowned Google Calendar, and it aims to make your work life easier, especially if you’re a part of the hybrid workforce.

Remember back in 2021 when Google first introduced the ability to share your work location with your colleagues? Well, they’ve taken it up a notch.

Now, if your day starts in the office, and after a few productive hours, you’re off to a crucial client meeting, and then out and about as a mobile worker, this new feature will allow you to set up multiple locations on your calendar. This will inform your colleagues of your whereabouts and availability (if you want them to).

At Google, the focus has always been on helping us work smarter, not harder. They understand that many of us are still navigating the realm of remote work or striking a balance between the office and home setup. This update has been crafted with hybrid workers like you in mind.

This is only available to those holding a Workspace account, which includes:

  • Google Workspace Business Standard/Plus
  • Enterprise Standard/Plus
  • Education Fundamentals/Standard/Plus
  • The Teaching and Learning Upgrade
  • Nonprofits

Unfortunately, this exciting feature isn’t accessible to personal accounts just yet.

The working location feature will be activated by default. But, of course, if you’d prefer a bit of privacy and to remain off the radar, you have the option to disable it.

As your reliable IT partner, we’re dedicated to helping you harness the full potential of your everyday productivity tools and applications. Contact us today for more information, advice, or to set up a meeting.

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