Cyber attacks are now swifter than ever.

Breakout times, which signify the duration for an intruder to navigate within your network after initial infiltration, have notably decreased. A recent security report has unveiled that the average stands at a mere 62 minutes, down from 84 minutes last year.

This spells trouble.

Not only are these attacks quicker, but they’re also growing in frequency. The report has identified a staggering 34 new cyber criminal factions, bringing the total to over 230 groups being monitored by the company.

And here’s the kicker: these cyber adversaries aren’t idling about. They’re evolving and becoming more sophisticated. The report showcases a new record breakout time of only two minutes and seven seconds. That’s barely enough time for a coffee break, let alone mounting a defence.

But here’s the real crux: The human element is increasingly emerging as the primary entry point for these cyber assaults.

They’ll attempt to lure your staff into clicking a link in a phishing email, directing them to a counterfeit login page. Once your employee enters their authentic login credentials, they’ve unwittingly surrendered them.

Or they masquerade as someone your team trusts. This is referred to as social engineering.

So, what steps can you take to shield your business?

  • Educate your workforce: Ensure your team is well-versed in the latest cyber threats and adept at spotting them. Regular training sessions can significantly reduce the risk of costly errors.
  • Enforce robust password policies: Promote the use of complex, randomly generated passwords managed by password managers. Employ multi-factor authentication for an additional layer of protection (this involves using a secondary device to verify your identity).
  • Maintain up-to-date systems: Ensure all software and systems are current with the latest security patches. Cyber criminals frequently exploit known vulnerabilities, underscoring the importance of staying updated.
  • Invest in cyber security solutions: Consider investing in reputable cyber security software capable of identifying and mitigating threats in real-time (we’re here to assist with this).
  • Backup your data: Regularly back up your data and store it in a secure location. In the event of a cyber attack, having backups can minimise downtime and data loss.

When it comes to cyber security, it’s wiser to be proactive than reactive. If we can assist you in better fortifying your defences, reach out to us.

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