Microsoft has introduced an upgraded version of Teams, their go-to platform for video conferencing, collaboration, and chat. This revamped Teams promises a speed boost, making work faster and more efficient—a welcome change for all of us, don’t you think?

The updated Teams functions as the superhero of apps for both Windows and Mac users. It’s now twice as fast as its classic counterpart and operates on a leaner profile, utilizing up to 50% less memory and disk space.

Microsoft took a step back to reimagine and simplify Teams, resulting in enhanced compatibility with third-party apps, improved phone calls outside the platform, and quicker access to meetings. This powerhouse version of Teams even collaborates seamlessly with your browser, significantly reducing its memory and disk space requirements.

Initial tests demonstrate impressive results, with Teams loading, joining meetings, and switching between chats and channels twice as quickly. This performance boost isn’t exclusive to Windows; Mac users will also experience the same efficiency.

Microsoft assures users that this update will redefine productivity, featuring an upgraded user interface and the addition of a “mark all as read” feature in activity. Furthermore, they’ve introduced Copilot, an AI assistant capable of summarizing key points from your chats and calls—a virtual assistant minus the coffee runs.

Ready to make the switch to the enhanced Teams experience? The rollout is underway; simply check the top left corner of your Teams app. If you spot “try the new Teams,” you can seamlessly transition to the upgraded version.

For tailored assistance with implementing Teams for your business, reach out to us at GZD. We’re here to help.

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