What if we told you that your business could have its very own personal assistant, always on standby to assist with any query, from altering system settings to providing information promptly?

This isn’t a far-fetched dream but a reality powered by Microsoft’s groundbreaking AI chatbot, Copilot.

Picture this scenario: a hectic day filled with meetings, and you urgently need to find information or tweak a device setting. What’s the solution?

Instead of wasting precious time, simply turn to Copilot.

It’s the fresh face in town, stepping into Cortana’s shoes as Microsoft’s primary AI assistant. But what sets Copilot apart? Embedded within the Microsoft Edge browser and seamlessly integrated into Windows 11, it boasts a broader range of capabilities.

Ever found yourself lost in a sea of menus while hunting for a specific device setting? Copilot simplifies this – ask and it shall adjust.

Yet, Copilot isn’t merely an element of the operating system. Rather, it’s a bonus feature cleverly camouflaged within the Microsoft Edge browser, resembling an integral part of Windows 11.

Summon Copilot, and a sidebar emerges from the right, revealing an interface mirroring Bing Chat’s web version. Customise your conversation style and ask queries on almost any subject. From “Create a five-day itinerary for my March business trip” to “Generate an image of a tropical beach with palm trees,” Copilot is ready to assist.

The best part? Copilot comprehends context, enabling follow-up questions sans repetition. It’s akin to conversing with a human.

Copilot can also be used to extract information from any Microsoft Edge page. Merely prompt it with, “Summarise the page I have open on Microsoft Edge,” and Copilot scans the content and provides relevant insights.

The only catch… The preview of Copilot in the 2023 Windows 11 update isn’t the final product; Microsoft continues refining the interface and plans to introduce additional features in upcoming updates. But despite its growing pains, Copilot clearly has potential.

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